Another Real Estate Success Story – Tim Heavyside
Before embarking upon a chosen career, it’s normal to have a look at the industry leaders for inspiration and guidance. Entering the real estate industry with no clients, no in-depth knowledge and no prior experience can seem daunting and sound like a recipe for disaster, but we only have to look to real estate success story Tim Heavyside from Fletchers, to see that it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact it can be quite the opposite.
What Has Tim Heavyside Achieved?
These days Tim is regarded as one of Australia’s most successful real estate agents and auctioneers, winning a number of prestigious industry awards – most notably ‘Australian Residential Salesperson of the Year’ (2011 and 2013). He has also won several coveted company awards, including the Fletchers No.1 Property Consultant, and was the youngest ever Director appointed in the Agency’s history.
These achievements are made all the more impressive when you examine the fact that Tim entered into the real estate industry with no experience whatsoever. That means he had no clients, no prior work experience and no real in-depth understanding of the real estate industry.
Do The Hard Yards
According to Tim there is no silver bullet – it all comes down to good old-fashioned hard work.
“You can’t shy away from the hard work. You need to put in, to get out”, he says. “You don’t have to be in this business for twenty years to be successful. But you do need to do the hard yards” – something that Tim certainly does.
Since entering the industry he has worked tirelessly to secure listings, make sales and build relationships. In 2010 Tim achieved the highest number of sales and commission for one year in Fletchers’ entire 92-year history. Not bad for a guy who entered the industry with no related experience or expertise!
You Can Become A Real Estate Success Story Just Like Tim
If you’re considering a career in real estate but you’re worried about a lack of experience or initial expertise, don’t be discouraged. Tim was once in your shoes and went on to become an award-winning agent and real estate success story.
For more information on Tim, check out his profile here.